"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth."

Carl Jung

Welcome, my name is Carla, leadership coach & psychologist with more than 40 years of experience in guiding people to their highest gold, I know exactly what it takes to experience happiness and be more in alignment.

I developed THE CROWN, an inner transformation that will master all aspects in you.

Bekend van :

Leadership Coaching

Carla van der Leeden offers leadership coaching for successful professionals to unlock their full potential by addressing deep-seated patterns, balancing internal and external aspects of life, and achieving true alignment for personal and professional growth.


Carla van der Leeden is a speaker who connects deeply with her audience, aiming to inspire and empower individuals to achieve their full potential through her expertise in energy flow and motivational speaking.


Carla van der Leeden helps successful entrepreneurs, CEOs, and directors achieve full personal and professional flourishing through deep insights and guidance, leading to greater productivity, stronger relationships, and a lasting sense of fulfillment and self-confidence.

Heart - Mind - Soul


That's where the magic is

Download your Alignment within a few minutes

This powerfull short secret visualisation will guide your on a transformative journey to inner and outer alignment.

In this transformative visualisation, I will guide you on a magnificent journey. A journey to your radiant Crown, empowering you live fully in Alignment.

Reveal your true Self to the world in all its brilliance. Kings and Queens, now is the time to unify your power and start wearing your crown gracefully. May your journey be amazing impactful.


"Carla goes above and beyond where other coaches have stopped. She takes me to places I never thought possible, where I find so much fulfillment. And she is always sharp and loving."
"Her incisive questions and sharp analyses can be quite confronting at times. She leaves no stone unturned. This has resulted in doubling my revenue and starting even more new businesses."
"Working with Carla has enriched my life so much. I truly feel like I have "come home". I effortlessly reached a million this year. And not only that, my relationship with my husband is so much better. I have learned to set boundaries and communicate better."
  • carla@carlavanderleeden.com


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